Sunday, May 13, 2012

Heavy rain wreaks havoc at APS Down

The heavy rain that occurred in the region of Londrina in the afternoon of October 15, 2011 caused flooding and havoc in the city, where 95 mm of rain felt over a period of 6 hours.


APS Down was flooded with lots of water and about 50 cm of mud.
The institution´s back wall could not stand the force of water and collapsed on the water main supplying water to the building.
Rainwater and the water from the broken water mains took all the mud into the school. 

These were the rooms for physiotherapy, speech therapy, art class and occupational therapy.

The computer room for the students with brand new computers, recent donation from HSBC Solidarity Institute - Roberto Ariozo´s project and initiative, he is a volunteer and student´s father.

Canteen and Secretariat

Staff, parents and many volunteers worked hard to clean the school.

One week later ...




Three weeks later...

The school was clean but still recovering from damage caused by rain and mud.
Materials, toys, books, food .. much has been lost.
The electrical wiring, wood floors, furniture, computers and freezers were damaged.

Pupils were about 3 weeks without classes.
The students and the staff were welcomed by the Institute of Blind People (ILITIC) and the classes and therapies continued in an adapted space for more than a month.

Without the backwall, the school remained open and subject to looting for weeks.
It was necessary to hire security personnel.

But with local help, slowly the school is still getting organized.

Association of  Parents and Friends of People with Down Syndrome.