Monday, September 24, 2012

Distric Governor visits APS Down School

APS Down School received District 4710 Governor´s visit, Mr Antonio de Alencar. The Rotary District 4710 includes several towns at Parana State, Southern Brazil. Londrina, where the APS Down School is located, is the largest city in the District (map below).
 The reason for the visit was to see the school´s new kitchen facilities, which was a project sponsored by Rotary Clubs, including Armidale Central Australia D9650.


Members from Rotary Club Londrina Alvorada and the District Governor were presented with a mosaic work, designed by the students in Art Classes, as a symbolic way of gratitude to the services provided by Rotary to the institution.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Beneficent Pizza - 2012

Pizza at APS Down
Helping has never been so good!
All the volunteers have given a true lesson of love to the APS Down´s students on the Beneficent Pizza Day - Sep 2012. Each one contributed the way they were able to, since the prior organization, purchasing the ingredients, sale and preparation of pizzas. There were sold 1100 pizzas last Saturday. Below, the pictures of some collaborators, including the students themselves.




Friday, September 14, 2012

Speech at Rotary Club South Londrina

On Wednesday, 13th Sep. 2012 I was honored to give a speech at the Rotary Club South Londrina, by invitation of the Club´s President Mr. Renato Ferraz and the Rotarian and president of honor Mr. Paulo Watanabe.

The theme was "The Importance of Rotary Youth Exchange Program of Rotary" emphasizing that, if it were not this opportunity, this kitchen project at the Down School in Londrina-Brazil would not have been developed.


Students from the institution prepared a beautiful mosaic work to give to the club members as a thank you gift for all the work provided by the club to APS Down School and for supporting the adapted kitchen project.

Rotary Club South Londrina kindly offered a framed certificate of thanks for our participation, but we are the ones who must say thank you to Rotary Clubs. 


How did the project start?

After the flood that devastated the APS Down School (Brazil) in October 2011, we contacted the Rotary Club of Armidale Central, Australia and presented the difficulties the Down School was going through, because they had lost many equipments and educational materials.

Rotary Club of Armidale Central, through Mr Garske, took the initiative to develop an international project to help the school and the idea of ​​making a Industrial Kitchen emerged. The main idea was to install and fit the kitchen to accommodate Down Students, which could become a form of income to the school and the students. Today the institution has a new adapted kitchen thanks to the collaboration of Rotary Club of Armidale Central (Australia D9650), RC South Londrina and RC Londrina Alvorada (Brazil D4710).

Monday, September 10, 2012

A very special Fruit Salad

New kitchen facilities at APS Down School
Project funded by
Rotary Club Londrina Alvorada - D4710 Brazil, 
Rotary Club Londrina Sul - D4710 Brazil &
Rotary Club Armidale Central - D9650 Australia

detalhe receita

Special Fruit Salad

   Willingness to learn
Focus and attention
 Happiness and good self steem
Dedication and care
 Organization and..

The main ingredient in all recipes of life.

Join all the ingredients. 
Add many fruits... 
You will have the best fruit salad you have ever experienced

Bon appetit!