Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Rotary´s Kitchen Project


The Industrial Kitchen project: an international partnership between the local brazilian Rotary Club (Alvorada e Londrina SUL - D4710) and Rotary Club of Armidale Central.

The photos below show some news itens that were acquired by the projec and recently delivered by suppliers. Equipment for physiotherapy and educational toys were also included in the project as they had been lost with the floods of October 2011. 

Educational Toy

Kids playing with the new educational toy
Gym mat to encourage the development of babies being already used

Equipment for physiotherapy - for hands and fingers
Equipment for speech therapy
Industrial Fruit Juicer
Industrial Stove and oven
New cabinets

How did the project start?
After the flood that devastated the APS Down School (Brazil) in October 2011, we contacted the Rotary Club of Armidale Central, Australia and presented the difficulties the Down School was going through, because they had lost many equipments and educational materials.

Rotary Club of Armidale Central, through Mr Garske, took the initiative to develop an international project to help the school and the idea of ​​making a Industrial Kitchen emerged. The main idea was to install and fit the kitchen to accommodate Down Students, which could become a form of income to the school and the students.

We are waiting for the delivery of physiotherapy equipments from other suppliers, which were already ordered. The kitchen´s installation is almost finished.